Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Watch out for the cows

So last night I went to my friends house for a bon fire, and I saw a cow on the front lawn of one of the houses. Now I admit I live in a very hickish place, but my actual house is in a development, that looks quite suburbish, so I was a little startled. And then on my way home tonight....I saw the cow again, this time across the street at much closer to the road. Now this has happened before but it was a herd of cows on my front lawn that got loose from the amish farm, and the cops came right away and took care of it. That's right our cops are kinda like cowboys, he had a hat and a lasso. this cow is now just chilling in my development, and its black so you cant see it when you drive and seeing how we don't have streetlights it is really dangerous. So the moral of this out for the cows.

But anyways, today was incredibly dull. I was supposed to start work today at the medical center, but when I told them that I needed the next two weeks off they were like o well you can't start then, so here I am once again not working and without a job. I then perceded to come home and sleep till today was productive...right?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i just now found your blog...and you will be linked as moulin rouge on my blog because that's the movie we watched on "i hate boys night". ps: what was your masque name? i'm doing records and i can't remember anybodys!