Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Loving the boys in blue....
If I didn't love LaSalle and absolutly hated the idea of entering the military I would so go to the air force academy. Seriously I have never seen so many really really attractive men in one place, and they were in uniform...amazing! But over and atop of the cute guys, the whole trip has been really really cool. First colorado is so pretty and this whole graduation thing at the academy is really neat. On Tuesday we attended the parade, where all of the cadets march out in their dress blues and then the graduating seniors walk out away from their squadrons and are officially no longer students. Last night was the commisiony ceremony, where my cousin got her bars and became a 2nd leutient in the air force, it was really exciting becuase my grandparents got to put her bars on. Then today was the actual graduation ceremony. Where 879 cadets officaially graduated from the academy, secretary rumesfield spoke, and there was a thunderbird air show, seriously so cool. And it was really awesome to see my cousin graduate, because no matter what people say about the air force and them being pansies, it really is hard work to graduate from this academy. It was just exciting to see the happiness on all of these people's faces, and their families who have worked so hard to do this. I really can't imagine going to the academy or any other one, no matter how hot the guys are....though it would definatly be an interesting experience. But that's all for now, adios...
Monday, May 29, 2006
So call me a liar...
Yes, I said I wouldn't update for like 2 weeks, but since my dad is super cool I'm sitting the "Admirals Club" at Dallas Fortworth on the comp burning time between my call me a liar. This admirals club that I speak of is for people who travel a lot (i.e. my dad) so they have somewhere they can go do work, get drinks, sleep, read the newspaper between flights, that isn't in the regular terminals of the airport...basically this place looks like a 5-star hotel, it's pretty damn cool. Another super cool thing about this trip, my dad suprized me with first class tickets!!! How awesome is that? I personally have never flown first class and let me just say I really wanna be rich when I grow up just so I never have to fly in coach again. Seriously our cups were actually glasses, no plastic. We got served meals, either omelets or pancakes, on china with fruit and real napkins...can you imagine cloth napkins on an air plane. It's amazing, and the seats are super comfortable. But I will quite going on about my awesome flight, but hey I imagine this will be the only time in the near future that I will ever be on a first class flight so I am going to enjoy it!
Anyways, all those who said they want visits, the first of june I will be making my rounds of south jersey so...I will hopefully see some of you then! But for now, I need to go catch a flight, adios....
P.S. I'll be back to this super cool place on thursday so expect another exciting entry:-D
Anyways, all those who said they want visits, the first of june I will be making my rounds of south jersey so...I will hopefully see some of you then! But for now, I need to go catch a flight, adios....
P.S. I'll be back to this super cool place on thursday so expect another exciting entry:-D
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Goodbye.......for a little
So tomorrow I leave for jersey to visit my grandparents...and then on monday I fly to Colorado. Which at the moment I have mixed feelings about. It should be fun becuase I get to attend the Air Force Academy graduation, because my cousin is graduating, hence the trip and I get to see my other cousin who is one of my best friends. But then there is spending a whole week with my dad...yeaaa. But we'll see how it goes. And then I fly back to jersey on thursday, and I get to visit Sara at her work....yay!! And anyone else who lives in south jersey...I will be there for a whole night, if you live close to Westville...West Detford area, let me know I will swing by and see you! Moving on. The next day I drive back home, spend the night at Michaela's and the next day me and my girls drive down for a fun filled week at the beach!!! And the day I come back from that I drive back to South jersey for my cousin's bridal shower! So again if you live in south jersey or even the philadelphia area...let me know...i will visit! So these next few weeks are going to be very busy, if I dont update for like 3 weeks dont be alarmed...I have not died. Actually maybe I have, I don't know what the future holds, so if you're worried call...I love phone calls...especially when I am bored in airports(hint hint)
On a different note tonight should be fun, going out with my girls...hopefully it will be fun, but with us it always is, so no worries. But that's all for now, I will hopefully talk to you all in a few weeks! adios...
P.S. Cow Status: My dad saw the cow, so I am not crazy...and now we think it is in the woods because we hear alot of mooing...I'll keep you updated...and I know you are all "too excited to sleep" waiting for the next update
On a different note tonight should be fun, going out with my girls...hopefully it will be fun, but with us it always is, so no worries. But that's all for now, I will hopefully talk to you all in a few weeks! adios...
P.S. Cow Status: My dad saw the cow, so I am not crazy...and now we think it is in the woods because we hear alot of mooing...I'll keep you updated...and I know you are all "too excited to sleep" waiting for the next update
Friday, May 26, 2006
Alcohol, communication, and some other intersting things....
Last night was kati's brithday, and what a fun night it was. Other than one of the girls who was there. Who frankly I dont really like, and no one really does, so I really dont know why she was invited. And the worst part is all of the girls there are the ones I am going to the beach with on vacation, except her. So we couldnt say anything about the beach, which I might add is really hard when intoxicated. But she decided to drink way to much and pass it was actually more fun afterwards. Which sounds mean...and I in no way condoning allowing people to drink so much they pass out. I decided.....Im drunk why not send text messages, so if you got one last night feel're a lucky bunch of folks.
So this got me to thinking, people who drink all eventually want to contact someone and tell them something, no matter who you are. So today we have cell phones, text messaging, and my personal favorite, aim. But what did the college kids do back in like the 80's or even like the early 90's? Did they miss out on this amazing concept of drunk dialing/texting/IMing and the next morning action of apoligizing for whatever you said the night before? How did so many couples get together if they never drunk called and said, you know what I really like you, and when I'm sober I'm to scared to say it? I find it very strange, very strange indeed. Maybe we should give all of these people a couple shots and a cell phone and see what happens. Maybe they'll call...maybe they won't. It would be an interesting experiment. And on a completly different but kind of similar note, since they didnt have cell phones or aim how did they ever make plans or keep themselves enteratined? Seriously everyone remembers when the internet went out at lasalle and we were so bored. And everyone knows the feeling of driving through an area and you no longer have a signal for your cell phone, you feel completly and ultimatly cut off. How did you meet someone for dinner? Or ask someone to walk with you over to the quad? We have become so dependent on these pseudo forms of communication that we no longer actually talk to people. I suggest when we get back to school, for one day we all should use no cell phone, turn off our aim, and see how we would get along without it. Actually having to go to people's rooms and ask them to walk somewhere with us. It could be another intersting experiment.
I must be missing school and all those science classes if in one blog entry I have used the word and decided to complete two experiments. I guess you can take the girl out of the lab but not the lab out of the girl. But I have rambled and contemplated to long so that's all for now, adios....
So this got me to thinking, people who drink all eventually want to contact someone and tell them something, no matter who you are. So today we have cell phones, text messaging, and my personal favorite, aim. But what did the college kids do back in like the 80's or even like the early 90's? Did they miss out on this amazing concept of drunk dialing/texting/IMing and the next morning action of apoligizing for whatever you said the night before? How did so many couples get together if they never drunk called and said, you know what I really like you, and when I'm sober I'm to scared to say it? I find it very strange, very strange indeed. Maybe we should give all of these people a couple shots and a cell phone and see what happens. Maybe they'll call...maybe they won't. It would be an interesting experiment. And on a completly different but kind of similar note, since they didnt have cell phones or aim how did they ever make plans or keep themselves enteratined? Seriously everyone remembers when the internet went out at lasalle and we were so bored. And everyone knows the feeling of driving through an area and you no longer have a signal for your cell phone, you feel completly and ultimatly cut off. How did you meet someone for dinner? Or ask someone to walk with you over to the quad? We have become so dependent on these pseudo forms of communication that we no longer actually talk to people. I suggest when we get back to school, for one day we all should use no cell phone, turn off our aim, and see how we would get along without it. Actually having to go to people's rooms and ask them to walk somewhere with us. It could be another intersting experiment.
I must be missing school and all those science classes if in one blog entry I have used the word and decided to complete two experiments. I guess you can take the girl out of the lab but not the lab out of the girl. But I have rambled and contemplated to long so that's all for now, adios....
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Watch out for the cows
So last night I went to my friends house for a bon fire, and I saw a cow on the front lawn of one of the houses. Now I admit I live in a very hickish place, but my actual house is in a development, that looks quite suburbish, so I was a little startled. And then on my way home tonight....I saw the cow again, this time across the street at much closer to the road. Now this has happened before but it was a herd of cows on my front lawn that got loose from the amish farm, and the cops came right away and took care of it. That's right our cops are kinda like cowboys, he had a hat and a lasso. this cow is now just chilling in my development, and its black so you cant see it when you drive and seeing how we don't have streetlights it is really dangerous. So the moral of this out for the cows.
But anyways, today was incredibly dull. I was supposed to start work today at the medical center, but when I told them that I needed the next two weeks off they were like o well you can't start then, so here I am once again not working and without a job. I then perceded to come home and sleep till today was productive...right?
But anyways, today was incredibly dull. I was supposed to start work today at the medical center, but when I told them that I needed the next two weeks off they were like o well you can't start then, so here I am once again not working and without a job. I then perceded to come home and sleep till today was productive...right?
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
working nine to five....what a way to make a living
so all of my hard work paid off. all that complaing and work i did to find a job worked, and now i have 2 and i get to choose! how amazing is that? i just have to weigh the pro's and con's of each and decide what i want to do. The first job is a summer camp, 7 weeks long, 8 bucks an hour, monday through friday no nights no weekends. The second is filling medical records, i can work all summer, 7 bucks an hour, monday through friday no nights no weekends. So which to choose, i'll probably make equal amounts at both, however i can start making money tomorrow for the medical job, and that's in my field, well a bio major, so a medical job, though it is just filing will look much better than a day camp. But the day camp, is only 7 weeks, so i'll have 3 weeks before school starts to hang out with friends, take road trips, and just chill before school starts, plus its outside so i'd be running around getting in shape and getting tan. But then again the medical job is inside in the a/c which is good, because it gets rediculously hot here. So will see, i report to the filing job tomorrow at 8:30, i have to tell them that i need the next two weeks off for vacation and if they cant do that, at least i'll make like 50 bucks tomorrow and i have still have another job if they dont like me taking time off, so will see, i'll keep you posted, i know you are all waiting with baited least i have options. But that's all for now, adios
Monday, May 22, 2006
a smaller town then mine...
So I have found a place, smaller and more boring than SMC....Poquoson. This little town in VA, where the boys are nuts and the girls cause drama. Their all alcoholics and their country kids to the extreme. The boys do dip, and if you don't know what or have ever seen dip, its chewing tobacco, that they stick in their lip, and then spit into a cup, basically the most disgusting thing that I have ever seen. The girls, omg, me and kay were sitting in a car with a girl's bf and someother kids and she threw a freakin fit. Seriously a fit, they got into a huge fight and both of them started crying, like seriously their nuts. So thats it, me and kay we cause drama....yea thats us. They drink every weekend, drive drunk, smoke its just strange to see the small town life, because I thought SMC was small. But it was still fun, other than the car breaking on the day we were set to leave and guess what it wouldnt start, fun fun fun. So my dad had to drive 3 hours to get me, hitch the car, and then drive 3 hours home. So the second road trip of the summer was a success, minus the whole car thing.
Home life is good at the moment, still missing philly like it's my job but my girls sure know how to have fun. Since all going to school we have all had these amazing experiences and grown so much, but when we get back together it's just like high school, sometimes just like middle school, but of course now alcohol has been added. Which makes us crazier than ever. Which is probably a bad thing, becuase we are crazy enough when sober. But o this weekend, omg party at lauren's...gonna be a blast...and I am sooo excited. And then the next day I leave for colorado for a week...then come home and its time for senior week take 2, or freshman week, or beach week 2006...whatever you choose. But that's enough for least I am learning a little bit to appreciate home....adios
Home life is good at the moment, still missing philly like it's my job but my girls sure know how to have fun. Since all going to school we have all had these amazing experiences and grown so much, but when we get back together it's just like high school, sometimes just like middle school, but of course now alcohol has been added. Which makes us crazier than ever. Which is probably a bad thing, becuase we are crazy enough when sober. But o this weekend, omg party at lauren's...gonna be a blast...and I am sooo excited. And then the next day I leave for colorado for a week...then come home and its time for senior week take 2, or freshman week, or beach week 2006...whatever you choose. But that's enough for least I am learning a little bit to appreciate home....adios
Sunday, May 14, 2006
And now its all my lap
"Listen to your heart.......before you tell him goodbye..."
Which is what I should have done. I had a dream last night about this guy, that I should have given more opportunity too. We were together for like a week, and when I say together, I mean we were in the preliminary stages. We definatly were not titled. But anyways thats unimportant. I basically didnt think, I got freaked out because we were diving into this relationship without really thinking about it. I went out one night, thought I wanted to hook up w/ another guy. So I ended it, because I made myself believe that I should not be in a realtionship if I wanted to hook up with other guys. And then a month later when I saw him with a new girl, my heart dropped, because i realized, I really did and do like him, I screwed up, BIG TIME....and there was nothing I could do about it. And I almost told him about it, I really was almost there, to tell him to give up on this other chick, and try again with me. But then i realized that's not fair, I like him but chances are, I would get fickle again, and poof I would push him to the side again. So I thought I was over it, I really thought I was, but then that dream last night. Why? Why the hell did I have that dream then? We were dating, and it was working, I just don't understand. So my life, I just don't get it, it's a mystery to me. And I have decided, I just have to get over you...
This weekend was fun though. Me and Kay went to Towson on Friday night to visit and party with Laura. And omg was it fun. Interesting things happened, haha. And then last night Luke, Luke's little broGina, Ashley (Gina's friend from school), Kay, and me all went and saw posideon, the movie. Really good, Really jumpy. And then we went to gina's and had ice cream, where we were joined by a bunch of other people. it was fun. But it always is fun when we hang out. But thats all for now, adios......
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Summer Slow Down
So i've decided finding a job may possibly be the hardest thing known to man. Me and Kaylee have gone out 2 seperate days, handed out 10 resumes, applied at at least 20 jobs, attended a job fair (which was pointless i might add), and I have called emailed like 10 other far one phone damn phone call, which was just to tell me how to apply! So at the moment, my bank account is dwindling, my free time is at an all time high causing me to be bored, at this point I kinda wish I had homework to do. How pathetic does that sound?
No I'm kidding, at least I hope I am, I should enjoy having nothing to do, it's what I was begging for all this semester. And it has been really relaxing to destress. And just hanging out with my friends, like last night we went to a movie, we were the only 4 people in the entire theater, it was amazing! O and me and kay went to the beach freakin amazing is that? I realized SMC is surronded by water, like seriously I can be to the water in 1/2 hour in any direction I drive. So thats gonna be my goal for the summer, go to the beach as much as possible. Another goal for the summer, road trips, loads of them, NYC, OBX, Philly, York, NJ, and anywhere else that my heart desires, hopefully I will find a job that fits around this. But that's all for now, adios.....
No I'm kidding, at least I hope I am, I should enjoy having nothing to do, it's what I was begging for all this semester. And it has been really relaxing to destress. And just hanging out with my friends, like last night we went to a movie, we were the only 4 people in the entire theater, it was amazing! O and me and kay went to the beach freakin amazing is that? I realized SMC is surronded by water, like seriously I can be to the water in 1/2 hour in any direction I drive. So thats gonna be my goal for the summer, go to the beach as much as possible. Another goal for the summer, road trips, loads of them, NYC, OBX, Philly, York, NJ, and anywhere else that my heart desires, hopefully I will find a job that fits around this. But that's all for now, adios.....
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
She makes the city seem like home....

And Back home, geeze its so weird to say that, I am going to be back home in my parents house for the next 4 months, count them 4, I really don't know how I am going to get through. The arguing has already started, I have a curfew, I still need to find a job, I have to ask to use the car, o my the summer will be a long one. But its so nice to see the Usuals again. I missed them more than they can even comprehend, they are my home, no matter where we are, or if we are separated I know they are always there for me, and they are going to make being back in SMC worth it. So that's all for now, adios.....
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