Thursday, June 28, 2007


This is going to be another post referring to Ireland.

It seems I have finally hit the point where one is no longer excited about being home. The last month I was in Ireland and since I have come home I have been so excited to be going back or actually back in the states. But recently I have been getting little Ireland flashbacks. I'll just be sitting, and I'll remember walking to school, or going to the grocery store, or various other little things. It's hard to explain, it's not a people thing at all, I want to be with everyone from lasalle and home but I want to be back in Ireland. I miss my flat, and I miss going to the pub, I miss walking down abbeygate street and eyeing up the pastries at gourmet tart co., I miss going to Penny's a gazillion times a week and spending way to much money. And its not just being able to up and go to Spain or France whenever I want, I miss Ireland, the people, the country, the landscape everything.

I'm already itching to go back and I don't know how to subdue these feelings.

1 comment:

Stylings of a Selective Amnesiac said...

Reading this post made me feel a little less crazy.

I lasted about 3 months longer than you... but reading this - its like looking into a mirror.
The urge to go back faded for me - it took a long time, and my wanting to go hasn't faded, its just that life got in the way, y'know? I didn't expect to be back by now - the distance and the cost is just so huge... but I know if I hit a 5 or 10 year mark without getting back I'll be pretty heartbroken.

I hope you celebrate your 'first anniversaries' in the fall - Jaime and i did, and strange as it was, it was reassuring somehow. "Today last year we were getting on the plane," etc... sounds crazy... but it felt like keeping the memories sharp.

If you eventually feel like your reminiscing is making folks' ears bleed - I'll still listen. :-)
I know how it feels after all.
