Sunday, July 02, 2006

"I never thought you would be the one to teach me a drinking game..."

So this weekend, me and my friends have completly shattered the image we had in high school. Ever since middle school, me and my friends were dubbed "the smart girls". This title was not without its accuaracy, we were in all AP classes, we had good grades, we were in NHS, and we were president/editor/captain of this, that, and the other. However, becuase we had this title, people thought we were snobby and boring. Because of this title, not many people in high school took the opportunity to get to know us. Now don't get me wrong, high school for me was amazing, I learned alot about myself, made friends that will last forever, and I have lots and lots of memories, but becuase we had this title I didn't really socialize around.
So anyways, now that you have the background, back to the story. So this weekend, we did things we never ever ever thought we would do.......we partied with county folk. Now for most of them this was HUGE shock. On friday night we were at my friend Laura's (her rents were out of town) and we had a party. People from our high school were there...and let me say when they saw me and my friends a little intoxicated they were dumbfounded. They just couldn't believe, "Hey wait a sec, these girls are normal just like us" suprise....maybe you should have given us a chance in high school. And last night we went to some other kids house that we were kinda acquainted with and some of the people we were with the night before were there and some other kids. More shock and awe. Hence the quote above, one kid couldn't get over the fact that I knew and was teaching "them" how to play drinking games.
But I'm not not me. It's just so high school to still be judging people on what kind of "image" they present. So what I get good grades, but don't count me out when it comes to going out and having a good can't stereotype me like that.
Now I'm done venting...on to other things. If you read Pam's blog you may have learned that the Tour de France as started, and me like her, is completly obsessed. I'm so excited. Just moving over from one sporting event to the next, the World Cup is ending (By the way I called Portugal in the beginning and look who is in the semis:-D) and now the tour has started and I have something to watch in the mornings before work....thank god I work late and get to watch it every morning. Yeaaaaa! In other news, Masque folk you better be coming to Pam's pool party because I will be there and I want to see all of you! It's been way way way to long! But I think that's all for now, adios....


Pam said...


i think that sums up just about everything

Mary said...

So, this has nothing to do with the blog.. But I miss you, grandkid!!!

Sara said...

Mmmm that's a good feeling. Showing the kids you went to high school with that you're actually normal. ;)

Pam said...

don't worry - i have the tape all set up for tomorrow, and the weekend should be a non-issue...

ps - when you come down for the reunion, as NO ONE ELSE WILL COMMIT ::ahem:: we shall watch it religiously together

this thought makes me very excited

Doug said...

Pshhh...Forza Azzuri! France can't score more than one goal per game, let alone on MVP Gianluigi Buffon.

Doug said...

btw, glad to have someone who I can now talk to about soccer from La Salle :)