Sunday, July 30, 2006

And Counting....

An official countdown as begun to my move in day at LaSalle. 20 days people....20 days! It seems like yesterday when I was moving out. But it was 3 months ago, and it's time to go back. I have loved this summer so much, and in many ways it is bittersweet for school to be beginning. I have felt this summer was probably one of the best I have ever had. Though there was never anything to do, I spent so much time with my best friends that it didn't matter. And I am very hapy that this summer was able to happen, because well I don't know if I will be back in good old SMC next summer. I really think I'll be in Philly next summer, or wherever I get an internship. It makes me excited to think that I have the chance to live on my own, but I am worried that my connections to home will just become distanced and streched to thin. That's why this summer needed to happen. That way I could become so close with these friends that it would be a matter of life and death to stay in touch with them. Other than them though, I am ready to leave SMC behind. It has served has my home, but in many ways it really never was. I am not orginaly from here. My family all lives in the Philadelphia area. My Parents are moving away from here after my sister graduates. My friends don't plan on living here after graduation. My goodbye to St. Mary's County is becoming imminet. This summer may be my last time to call this place "home". But that's a-ok with me. I'm excited to live in the city. I'm excited for this school year, and making the bonds with my LaSalle kids all the tighter. So Aug 19. Thats the day. It makes me smile. I got my moving in early email the other day. It makes me happy.

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