Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Long Time Gone....

So I know its been like 2 weeks since I written one of these....but I have been off on my adventures around the bear with me this will be long. Colorado, i've already written about this trip, but just a quick was amazing! Air Force Academy is really cool, set in the mountains of Colordao, really really beautiful. And I got to see my family which is always fun, and I also realized how flipping out of shape I am. I mean walking up those hills and up in the altitude like killed me, so tomorrow the working out starts, my goal to be in shape for school. But im getting side tracked, anyways, i flew back into Philly on friday the 1st, and stayed at my grents that night, followed by driving 3 hours home the next day. Once back home, I did laundry, showered, went on an alcohol run, and drove to my friend kay's house where i spent that night before waking up at 5 to drive to the beach with my best friends. And the whole week was absolutley amzing minus some of the drama, but i had fun and the girls who were causing the drama im not even friends with and they ended up leaving. But anyways the whole week consisted of tanning, playing in the ocean, and drinking. My liver actually is begging me to take a break from the alcohol. But anyways the week was amazing, and my bonds with my girls are even stronger than when we left for school. So with that week ending, we woke up at 5 and drove home. I then proceded to nap for an hour pack a bag and then make the 3 hour drive to jersey. Upon arriving I was supposed to go visit Pam, however i was locked out of my grents house, so I had to sit and wait for them to come back, and miss my reunion with pam:(. The next day was my cousin's bridal shower! It was so much fun, she is the first cousin of my generation to get married so it was very exciting, I have a feeling after this there going to get boring becasue well there are about 13 girls maybe more in line to get married, so there are alot of bridal/baby showers in my future. Anyways, that night I drove to north philly (my first time EVER driving in a city) to visit Krissi and Amanda, my roomies for next year! It was so nice to see them because well we're close and it's been way to long. Then the next day I drove to Willamstown, NJ to visit my cousin and aunt, and then drove to Pitman, NJ to visit my other cousins and have dinner with them. Me and my cousin drove to dippy's to visit Sara!! She made me a very good cheesburger:-D Then yesterday was my cousins 22nd bday so I went to dinner at her house, and we were all planning on going out after, but since I am only 18 I couldn't go because when we were planning on leaving was when you have to be over 21 to get in. So I went to the grents and watched old time movies with them. It was nice but i def would have prefered the bar. And then today my journey came to a close, I drove the 3 hour drive home.

So quick recap since May 28 I have been in Maryland, Delware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Texas, Colorado, Virgina and North Carolina. And now tonight I get to sleep in my bed for the first time in like 2 weeks. I'm excited but sad becasue the last of my planned trips are over. The only left is my cousins wedding, but thats not till the end of july. So I am thinking lots of road trips, I will be in Philly alot. I didnt realize how much I really really miss it. Just driving up on it when i was going there the other day almost made me tear up, I miss seeing those sky scrapers every day, and being so close to everything and everyone. And getting to see some of the lasalle kids was's gonna be hard with all this time in between seeing everyone. And in addition to not being in Philly with my lasalle kids, I start work Monday. Now this summer has been realtively fun because I have not started working, but once monday hits, I see my enjoyment going way way way way way down. But I will survive. Now I think I will leave becuase well since I havent been home in like 2 1/2 weeks I have alot of laundry, thats all for now, adios....


Sara said...

YAY FOR VISITING ME! That really made my day <3

Useless Major said...

Did you bring me a souvenir?


Well then. We're through!