Saturday, May 19, 2007


So I am back from Ireland, and thought I would try and continue to keep this up. If you want to read the Ireland blog, the link is in the previous post.

So I have been thinking alot lately, about home friends, guys, lasalle friends and life in general. And I've decided I am happy where I am. I wish I could spend more time with both friend groups but it's kinda impossible. There is no way to spend equal amount of time with both, as much as I try. It stinks I want everyone to be together all the time.

For guys, I finally had some one flat out tell me some thing I think I have known for a really long time, I don't want to be in a relationship. Not at least right now. So I have told myself Im not going to go looking for one, If one comes along and it happens to be great then I'll go for it, but I am not going to force anything. There is only one guy who I would want something serious with and well I don't know if that will ever happen, but we shall see. So for me thats going to be this summer/next semester. Not to go looking for anything, and just be happy as is.

Why look towards the future when you can enjoy today?

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