Sunday, August 06, 2006

Link Names

So I decided to join the crowd and give names for my links. The names are characters from musicals. Question on who you are? I'll explain, maybe change em if you can think of a better one.

In other news I discovered a freckle on my botton lip....and 12 days!!!!


Kate said...

why am I Evita?

Liz said...

cuz you're a powerful chica and you'll change the world....duh

Unknown said...

who is fiona? i feel dumb asking, but i really don't know who she is. :)


Unknown said...
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Liz said...

Fiona is the sister of the bride in Brigadoon, with Gene Kelly, she wants to be swooned...i felt it wasa good match

Pam said...

::sigh:: it's true...

i'm a huge religious loser =(

Sara said...

Who is Kathy Selden?

Liz said...

She's from singing in the rain...amazing in the 50's basically

Sara said...

You're fabulous.

Mary said...

I'm Rizzo? I mean, that's totally cool, but I'm hoping that it has nothing to do with her uncertainty of pregnancy cause that's not me. :o)

And you will never be a whiney grandkid to me!! Are you going to give me a place to sleep if I vist? LoL.

Also - I can't believe Meg didn't know who Fiona was!!!